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Learn more about Midkemian geography by visiting
the Midkemian Gazetteer!
Elvandar's map of the Eastern Kingdoms
appears in Talon of the Silver Hawk.
Welcome to Elvandar.com, home of The Unofficial Atlas to the Worlds of Raymond E.
and The Midkemian Gazetteer. I hope you enjoy viewing these maps as much as I enjoyed putting them together. Some of
the maps are very eclectic, combining geographical features of the maps from different
sources (various Feist novels, the two computer games, and the map of Triagia at the
Midkemia Press web site). This work is not intended to be the definitive atlas of Midkemia
or other lands. It is simply a labor of love and has been a useful tool as I have explored
the world of R.E.F.'s (and associates) imagination. (Many thanks to
the members of the Feistfans-L list for their helpful
"It is as good a map as any out there.
Askren did a heck of a job!"
- Raymond E. Feist
Midkemia, Krondor, and all other place names, as well as the distinctive
features of these maps are Trademarks of Raymond E. Feist, the Bittersea Company, and
Midkemia Press. Used by permission. Permission to reproduce or retransmit expressly